The main of this department is initiate ways of reducing Basic Needs and Economic poverty in rural Zambia. The main programs in this department are:
(i) Rural Resources Based Industries Creation Program:
The aim of this program is to create industries in rural communities of Zambia using available natural resources in each community as a way of creating employment for the poor rural people and thus reducing basic needs and economic poverty among the poor people.
(ii) Support Towards Neglected Traditional Foods Program:
The aim of this program to reduce poverty among poor people in rural Zambia who depend on traditional foods by creating market for neglected traditional foods and thus boosting growth of traditional foods. Among the neglected foods supported are sorghum, millet, monkey-nuts, groundnuts, cashew nuts, and cassava.
(iii) Rural Development Research:
The aim of this program is to consistently undertake research on various issues affecting development of rural areas of Zambia as a way of generating scientific knowledge to inform policy and practice on how to develop rural areas of Zambia.
(iv) Consultancy and Training:
We also do consultancy work and training in rural development related issues.