Department of Policy
Department of Policy Monitoring, Evaluation, Strengthening and Innovation:
The aim of this department is to intensify monitoring and evaluation of public policies, programmes and projects on poverty reduction so that they get implemented according to the set objectives, and where necessary suggest ways and meanings of strengthening and initiating public policies, programmes and projects on poverty reduction. The main programs are:
(i) Voices of the Poor on Government Programs for the Poor:
The aim of this program is to regularly hear from the intended beneficiaries of government policies, programmes and projects on how they are affected by intended government interventions for them, and use the voices of the poor as tools for advocacy on how the Government of Zambia and other development partners can address poverty among poor people in rural and urban Zambia.
(ii) Public Policy Analysis:
The aim of this program is to regularly analyze any complex public policies and other interventions on poverty reduction by simplifying the interventions so that everyone in Zambia including the intended poor persons acquire better understanding of the interventions and where necessary provide timely alternative policy guidance to the Government of Zambia and other development of Zambia on best to reorganize the policies and/or interventions in order for them to have positive impacts on reduce poverty.
(iii) Consultancy and Training:
We offer consultancy work and training in Public Policy related issues, Development Policies, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E), and a number of other social science issues.